Over and over again
Svenska Retursystem, SRS, is the smart circular system for the Swedish food industry.
Our mission is to make the supply chain for food and beverage more efficient and better for the environment. The basic idea is that the industry's distribution should take place with durable crates and pallets that can be used over and over again.
We have been a part of the circular economy model for 25 years – eliminating waste and maximizing value creation.
We work sustainably in all dimensions, in all decisions and in all processes in the company. One of our main goals is to reduce the climate impact of the food industry.
Our business model is circular - for real!
We help the food industry to reduce its climate footprint
Food consumption accounts for about 30 percent of the world's carbon dioxide emissions. We help the Swedish food industry to reduce its climate footprint. In 2023, the industry saved more than 36,700 tonnes of CO2 by using our crates and pallets.
36,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide is equivalent to:
truck transports
from Ystad to Haparanda
of constant driving with a passenger car without interruption
around the earth with one crowded jumbojet
Whistle blower
SRS has zero tolerance for corruption, bribery and other irregularities. Tell us if you suspect any inaccuracy made by our employees, customers or partners. We currently have a strong focus on stopping all illegal trade with our crates and pallets and gratefully accept tips and reports that can help us in this work.
An anonymous report can be made to our external whistleblower function. The application will then be handled by an independent party.