


All our users of reusables crates and pallets are part of a sustainable and effective collaboration that lowers the entire industry's environmental and climate impact.

Every day, all year round, we deliver pallets and crates to food producers all over Sweden and Europe.

It is important to us that you feel secure that we deliver the load carriers that you need for your production so that your production and flow of goods run smoothly.

Become a customer

By using our crates and pallets you are contributing to a sustainable future. The smart system creates efficiency and reduces your carbon dioxide emissions, improves the working environment and saves time. Reusable crates and pallets ensure thar your products stays whole and fresh.

Welcome to the system that improves your business. Over and over again.

Staplade lådor på lager tillsammans med AGV robot

SRS crates

A stable construction, highly ventilated and standardised for automatic handling in the supply chain, our SRS crates are designed to transport food.

They are reusable over many years and eliminate waste and CO2 emissions.

SRS pallets

Our pallets are standardized and adapted for automatic handling. They are friction-proof and work well in a freezer environment.

They are reusable over many years and eliminate waste and CO2 emissions

Approved labels

Our reusable crates can be used hundreds of times. Yet a sticking point often remains: the wrong kind of label, or in the wrong placement. When you use approved labels and place them properly, they stay in place and are efficiently removed during our wash process – which benefits everyone.

Read more and see the list of all the appoved labels.

Hellåda svart med synliga etiketter

Smart Pooling - our customer website

Log in to our customer website Smart Pooling and keep track of your orders.

In our user manual you will find instructions for everything from how to log in to how to order crates and pallets.

What does it cost?

Users of SRS reusable crates and half-size pallet pay a user fee and deposit. For Full-size Pallet Grey you pay a daily rent and user fee.

Please contact Customer support for more price


Here you will find instructions for using our reusable crates and pallets.

Lådor och pallar på lagret i Västerås

User instructions crates and pallets

In the User instructions we describe how to properly use our reusable crates and pallets. The instructions are Appendix 1 of our Customer Agreement.

Lådor och pallar på lagret i Västerås

Terms and conditions (applicable only to export)

Terms and conditions are Appendix 2 of our Customer Agreement.

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Quality Document

In this document you find information about how to make a claim of products and/or services from Svenska Retursystem.

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Article number /GTIN

Here you can see what GTIN and item number each reusable crate and pallet has.

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Deposit fee - valid from 07-01-2024

The document describes our deposit fee for reusable crates and pallets. The list is appendix 2 to our customer agreement.

Lådor och pallar på lagret i Västerås

Guidelines for efficient packaging in reusable crates

The catalog aims to help our customers to improve the fill rate while using our reusable crates,

Lådor och pallar på lagret i Västerås

Full-size pallet Grey

Here you can read more about becoming a customer of Full-size pallet Grey.

Lådor och pallar på lagret i Västerås

User manual Smart Pooling

In this document you find instructions for how to log in to Smart Pooling, how to order crates and pallets and how to pick up crates and pallets.

Lådor och pallar på lagret i Västerås

ICA automating Smart Pooling

Updated information on ICA’s automation of Full Pallet grey in SMART Pooling